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Though there are hundreds of opportunities to engage 和 get involved on a college campus, few produce a lifelong return on time 和 energy quite like joining a fraternity or sorority.

Have a question about a particular fraternity, sorority or how the Greek system works? 我们可以帮忙! Check out our answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about Greek Life below or contact us at 208-885-6757 or


University of Idaho offers opportunities for students interested in Greek Life to learn more about the community during the fall 和 spring semesters.

招募活动是了解各个分会最简单的方法, meet other students in 兄弟会 和 联谊会 和 immerse yourself in student life on campus.

希望加入泛希腊姐妹会或国际金融公司兄弟会的学生, 秋季正式招聘在秋季学期开始前的8月举行. 规模较小的春季非正式招聘在春季学期早期举行.

新生迎新 也在秋季为一年级学生举办吗. Those who register for fall recruitment will still be required to register for 新生迎新.

是的! You can hold membership in any honor/service fraternity, as well as any social fraternity/sorority. 你也可以加入多个荣誉/服务兄弟会, but social 兄弟会/联谊会 do not allow for membership in more than one social organization.

每个分会都是通过向会员收取会费来自给自足的. 在成为会员的第一年,还会收取一些一次性费用.

希腊的生活费用包括住宿, 餐, 学习和娱乐区域,并直接进入和参与一个伟大的社区. 与校园内的其他住宿选择相比,这里的费用极具竞争力. 兄弟会的平均费用是每学期3800美元,姐妹会的平均费用是4800美元.

Joining a fraternity or sorority can make the adjustment to college life easier by offering students a support group 和 friends for life.

A Greek-letter organization is a group of individuals with similar interests bonded together by common goals 和 aspirations. These bonds are created through membership rituals based on common principles such as honor, 友谊, 真理与知识. Each group works to instill 和 support these ideals in their members through everyday activities.

Students who live on campus are also more likely to have higher GPAs 和 graduate faster. 其他优势包括:

  • 获得学术资源,帮助学生实现学业目标
  • Learning leadership skills 和 h和s-on opportunities to practice them
  • 鼓励学生参与校园和社区活动
  • Exposure to career 和 other opportunities through interaction with fellow students 和 alumni

希腊社区有1700多名学生. 超过1000人住在分会的设施里,其中600人是一年级学生. 

Our community offers 34 chapters whose members make up more than 20 percent of the student population.



  • 睡袋或毯子(双XL)
  • 枕头
  • 化妆品
  • 浴巾和毛巾
  • 淋浴用品
  • 参加姐妹会活动的正装
  • 休闲服装
  • 睡衣
  • 水瓶
  • 个人的药物
  • 粉丝


  • 睡袋或毯子(双XL)
  • 枕头
  • 化妆品
  • 浴巾和毛巾
  • 淋浴用品
  • 休闲服装
  • 睡衣
  • 水瓶
  • 运动服/服装
  • 商务休闲装(1.e. 马球衬衫)
  • 个人的药物
  • 粉丝

All 兄弟会 和 联谊会 have a process for orientation that will take less than 10 weeks to complete. 在此期间, new members will participate in scheduled meetings to learn about the history 和 values of the fraternity/sorority, engage in personal 和 professional development sessions 和 community service projects. We encourage all potential new members to speak with the members responsible for this orientation to underst和 this process prior to accepting an invitation of membership.

我们有34个兄弟会和姐妹会, 这些团体中的每一个都接受我们三个理事会中的一个的管理; 希腊多元文化委员会(MGC), 博爱理事会(IFC), 泛希腊理事会(PHC).

希腊字母组织也被称为兄弟会和姐妹会. There are different types of Greek organizations; social, 荣誉, pre-professional就是这些类型的例子. 并非所有这些组织都明确使用希腊字母. Our office represents 34 social 兄弟会 和 联谊会 at the University of Idaho.

Philanthropic events are events where organizations will raise money for a charitable cause. Most of our organizations have particular charities that are associated with their (inter)national headquarters, 还有当地的合作伙伴.

All organizations require an investment of time; this investment may be spent by weekly chapter meetings, 新会员会议, 参与社区服务或慈善项目, 还有社交活动. 如果你选择在这些组织中担任领导角色, 比如委员会, 那么你投资所需的时间可能会增加. 我们的组织有一些必需的活动, 然而, students generally have the ability to choose which events they wish to participate in.

bet365亚洲官网 is one of the most important priorities for students in 兄弟会 和 联谊会. 当一个学生加入兄弟会或姐妹会, they join a group of like-minded students who are focused on their academics as well. All organizations set a minimum academic expectation to join as well as to retain membership in good st和ing. We encourage you to speak with the member who is responsible for academic initiatives within an organization before accepting an invitation of membership from a fraternity/sorority.


Formal recruitment allows students to explore membership in IFC 兄弟会 or Panhellenic 联谊会 through a set of organized activities before the start of the fall semester.

该活动帮助学生熟悉不同的文化 兄弟会联谊会 在校园里,他们也在积极寻找新成员. Grades, talents, activities 和 interests are all considered in the selection of new members.

多元文化希腊正式招聘 是由个别的分会管理的吗. For more information, contact 兄弟会和姐妹会生活 at 208-885-1114 or email

新生迎新 也在秋季为一年级学生举办吗, 通常是在秋季招聘结束后的一周. Those who register for recruitment are still expected to register for 新生迎新.

把你所有的东西带到招聘现场. Personal boxes 和 storage tubs should be clearly marked 和 will be stored in the residence halls. 下载 要带的物品的完整清单,或查看快速建议:


  • 睡袋或毯子(双XL)
  • 枕头
  • 化妆品
  • 浴巾和毛巾
  • 淋浴用品
  • 参加姐妹会活动的正装
  • 休闲服装
  • 睡衣
  • 水瓶
  • 个人的药物
  • 粉丝


  • 睡袋或毯子(双XL)
  • 枕头
  • 化妆品
  • 浴巾和毛巾
  • 淋浴用品
  • 休闲服装
  • 睡衣
  • 水瓶
  • 运动服/服装
  • 商务休闲装(1.e. 马球衬衫)
  • 个人的药物
  • 粉丝

We ask that students participating in recruitment not sign a residence hall contract.

Ninety-seven percent of women 和 Ninety-nine percent of men who participate in Formal 招聘 are matched to a chapter. 如果学生因为某种原因没有加入, 宿舍里会有房间供他们搬进去. 违反宿舍合同需要支付费用.

虽然推荐信曾经是一种常见的做法, the University of Idaho community has shifted focus towards improving the overall experience 和 strengthening connections potential members build with our chapters during recruitment. 博爱办公室 & 女生联谊会的生活 和 the governing councils no longer facilitate collection or distribution of recommendations for recruitment.  

在招聘的时候,让自己看起来最好是很重要的, 更重要的是要感到舒适,自我感觉良好. 学生不会因为他们的穿着而被评判, 但穿着得体可以增强自信,改善第一印象.

学生们会走很多路,所以鼓励穿舒适的鞋子. 莫斯科八月的天气很暖和, 但是在变幻莫测的天气里,雨伞和雨衣是很有用的.



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