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60.12 -征求建议书(RFP)


  • Position: 采购服务总监
  • Email:

最后更新: 二零零七年十二月十七日

A. General. Request for Proposals(RFP) is a competitive bid process in which consideration is given to various factors, 如:价格, quality, 能力, 条款和条件, 参考文献, 经验和/或专业知识. 招标书必须由采购服务部发出. [rev. 12-07]

B. 过程. Purchasing Services shall ensure RFPs clearly define the goods and services needed in order for prospective vendors to properly respond to the request. 尽可能地, proposals will be solicited from a minimum of three responsible and responsive vendors in a fair and ethical process. RFP的基本要素应包括:[rev. 12-07]

  • A complete statement or description of the technical requirements including the materials, 所需工作或服务.
  • 交付日期.[add. 12-07]
  • 授予合同的条款和条件.
  • 对供应商的参与说明以及暂定的时间表. [add. 12-07]
  • A clear explanation of the criteria which will be employed to evaluate the vendor responses.
  • 州或联邦机构要求的任何征求声明.
  • Any other provisions, procedures, or statements, as deemed necessary by Purchasing Services.

B-1. 建议书准备时间. The RFP shall allow sufficient time to permit prospective vendors to prepare and submit proposals.[rev. 12-07]

B-2. rfp的附录. If, 在RFP发布之后, 但在提交提案的时间设定之前, 有必要修改RFP的任何部分, such information shall be sent to each firm to whom a RFP has been furnished in sufficient time to permit all prospective vendors to consider such information in submitting or modifying their proposals.[rev. 12-07]

B-3. 建议提交. The RFP shall clearly state that proposals must be received by University Purchasing Services not later than the exact time and date set forth in the RFP. 在此时间和日期之后收到的任何提案将不予考虑.

B-4. 建议修改或撤回. Proposals may be modified or withdrawn at any time prior to the time and date set forth in the RFP; proposals may be modified after such time and date only with the approval of Purchasing Services’ Manager and for good cause shown by the vendor.

B-5. 评价. All proposals submitted in response to a RFP shall be evaluated numerically rating the evaluation criteria set forth in the RFP. 评价 factors to be included in the RFP should include, as appropriate, the following factors:

  1. 提供的价格.
  2. 满足项目最低要求的工作或项目的质量.
  3. 提出了完成工作的方法.
  4. Specialized experience and technical competence of key personnel who will perform the work.
  5. The business capabilities, responsibilities, 参考文献, and past performance of the vendors.
  6. 在规定时间内完成工作的能力.
  7. The familiarity of the vendors with types of problems applicable to the project.
  8. The 能力 to explore and develop innovative or advanced techniques or designs.
  9. 由采购服务部确定并包含在RFP中的任何其他因素. [add. 12-07]

B-6. 评审委员会. All proposals submitted in response to an RFP shall be uniformly evaluated by a committee of appropriate staff persons to be designated and appointed by the requesting department in cooperation with Purchasing Services. 如果评估委员会的成员发现任何潜在的, 由于他们是委员会成员而产生的实际的或明显的冲突, 个人应当回避评审委员会的工作.[rev. 12-07]

B-7. 分类的建议. For the purpose of conducting discussions, proposals shall initially be classified as: [rev. 12-07]

  1. 潜在的可接受的;[ren. 12-07]
  2. 不可接受的.[ren. 12-07]

B-8. 讨论目的. 与供应商的讨论可能会举行: [rev. 12-07]

  1. Promote understanding of the University of Idaho's requirements and the vendors' proposals.[ed. 12-07]
  2. Facilitate arriving at the contract most advantageous to the University of Idaho's taking into consideration contract terms, 价格和RFP中规定的其他评估因素.[rev. 12-07]

B-9. 进行讨论. Vendors shall be accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for discussions and revisions of proposals. The committee shall conduct discussions with the top rated vendors unless such discussions are not necessary, inappropriate or impractical and the RFP notified all vendors of the possibility the award may be made without discussion. Purchasing Services’ Manager shall establish procedures and schedules for conducting discussions. 如果在讨论中, there is a need for any substantial clarification or change in the request for proposals, 应修改RFP以纳入此类澄清或变更. Auction techniques (revealing one vendor’s price to another) and disclosure of any confidential information derived from competing proposals are prohibited. [rev. 12-07]

B-10. 最佳和最终报价. Purchasing Services’ Manager shall establish a common date and time for the submission of best and final offers, 如果需要. Best and final offers shall be submitted only once; however, Purchasing Services’ Manager may make a written determination in the University of Idaho's best interest to conduct additional discussion or change the University’s requirements and require another submission of best and final offers. Otherwise, no discussion of or changes in the best and final offers shall be allowed prior to award. Vendors shall also be informed if they do not submit a notice of withdrawal or another best and final offer, their immediate previous offer will be construed as their best and final offer.[ed. 12-07]

B-11. 授予合同. 合同谈判完成后, Purchasing Services’ Manager shall make a written determination showing the basis on which the award was found to be most advantageous to the University of Idaho based on the factors set forth in the RFP. Awards in excess of $250,000 require approval by the Executive Director of the Board of Regents.  超过50万美元的奖金需要校董会批准 APM 60.20][rev. 12-07]

B-12. 建议书征集记录. 采购服务应保留记录,其中包括:RFP的副本, 对RFP的任何修改的副本, the names and addresses of prospective vendors to whom the RFP was distributed, 所有供应商的回复和通信, 以及与竞争性谈判过程有关的任何其他信息. [rev. 12-07]



Bruce M. 皮特曼中心


