
45.02 - Sponsored Projects 建议准备 and Authorization


  • 位置: 赞助项目办公室主任
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最后更新: 2012年1月3日

A. 目的. 本政策的目的是为了确保赞助项目提案的有序管理,并遵守适用的法律法规. The policy contains the procedure applicable to sponsored project proposals.

B. 范围. 这项政策适用于任何提交赞助项目提案的人,如果获得资助,这些提案将被授予大学.

C. 定义

C-1. 首席研究员. 对赞助项目承担主要责任和监督的人被称为首席调查员(PI)。. Before submitting a proposal or accepting an award the PI should review the 角色和职责页面 for an understanding of the responsibilities associated with being a PI. (见 APM 45.22 for University eligibility requirements for 首席研究员s.)

C-2. 授权管理人(GA). Each unit has a person designated as a grant administrator, that may also work with the PI on proposal preparation. 特别是, 总会计师经常协助项目经理编制薪金和附带福利的计算,并确定预算概算.

D. 政策. A sponsored project proposal is a written presentation of the research, 在指定时间内完成的学术或创造性活动,并要求由bet365亚洲官网以外的实体(赞助商)资助。. 至少, 提案应包括要执行的工作范围或要完成的任务的大纲, 以及一份预算细目,说明所要求的资金将如何用于完成工作范围. The Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), 或其指定代表, 是唯一获授权代表大学接受外部资助的人士,亦是向资助机构提交建议书前的最终审批人.

D-1. Roles and Responsibilities; Required Approvals. All personnel associated with specific grants, 与bet365亚洲官网签订的合同和协议应了解各自的角色和责任. Before submitting a proposal or accepting an award, review the 角色和职责页面 and contact OSP if you have questions about any of the items listed. 所有提案必须由单位管理员在bet365亚洲官网电子研究管理(ERA)系统中进行审查和批准, 学院院长, and Director of OSP prior to submission to the sponsoring agency.

E. 过程.

E-1. 资金的机会. 研究和教师发展(RFD)团队帮助bet365亚洲官网的教师为他们的研究和学术活动寻找资金. RFD提供资源和服务,以查找和提高所有学科的提案的竞争力.

E-1.a. 有限的提交. 对于一些融资机会, 资助机构限制一个机构可以提交的申请数量. These are referred to as limited submission (LS) funding opportunities. 研究和教师发展(RFD) LS团队已经建立了选择提案的流程,这些提案将由bet365亚洲官网提交,以响应这些机会. The process typically includes a two-step submission process to the RFD team, 第一步是PI提交意向通知(NOI),以表明对该计划的兴趣, followed by the submission of a concept paper, 当提交的意向书数目超过保荐人所容许的数目时,会进行哪些内部检讨,或提高建议书的竞争力以争取策略性资助机会. The internal review committee may comprise faculty, 管理员, 和工作人员, 适当的, who are familiar with the sponsor or the LS program. PIs will then be notified of the outcome of this internal review process, 以及他们是否被批准向外部赞助商提交完整的提案. 一旦批准就继续前进, 拟备LS意见书, 批准, and submitted through 维拉 as per the 建议准备 guidance below.

E-1.b. Notification Required if Funding Opportunity Declined. Due to the competitiveness of limited submission funding opportunities at UI, 有机会向外部赞助商提交提案但拒绝这样做的PI必须在收到内部奖励通知后一周内通知研究和教师发展(RFD)团队. 未在外部截止日期前提交完整提案且未及时通知RFD团队的PI,将没有资格申请所有内部有限提交资金机会,时间为收到内部奖励通知后的一个日历年. 在特殊情况下, and in the sole discretion of the Vice President for 研究, the period of ineligibility may be waived.

E-2. 建议准备. Once a funding source has been identified, the PI prepares a proposal (following specific sponsor guidelines, if provided) in the University’s electronic research administration (eRA) system. PI确定了工作范围, a budget sufficient to accomplish the proposed work, 预算叙事. Additional items to be considered during proposal development may include:

  • The involvement of human subjects or experimental animals (see FSH 5200 and FSH 1640.54、apm 45.01)
  • The use of biohazards/recombinant DNA/radiation/select agents/toxins (see FSH 1640.14、apm 35.11)
  • Conflict of interest and financial disclosure (see FSH 6240, 5600, and 3170)
  • 成本分担/匹配(见APM 45).08)
  • 外国研究人员和顾问
  • 出口管制(见APM 45).19)
  • 知识产权(见FSH 5300)
  • 项目收入(见APM 45).13)
  • 出版的限制
  • 资本项目

Information concerning these topics and links to other useful sites may be found on the OSP的网站. Note that some subsets of pre-proposals (white paper, preliminary proposal, etc.) may also require input to the eRA system for review and approval.

E-3. 预算发展. PI创建一个人员列表, 设备, 旅行, 分包合同, participant support and other direct cost needs for the entire project, 包括由强制性费用分摊支付的费用和任何预期的项目收入,如会议费用收入. Appropriate facilities and 行政 (F&A)成本(见FSH 5100 J和APM 45).10) are then added to arrive at the total project costs. OSP开发了一个内置计算的预算模板,以协助PI,可在

E-4. 设施及行政(F .&)成本. The University negotiates different rates for F&A cost reimbursement based on a variety of factors including, 但不限于, whether the sponsoring agency is a Federal agency, 正在进行的工作(研究)的类型, 指令, 公共服务/推广/其他), the location of the work being performed (at on-or off-campus facilities), 赞助商是否为行业合作伙伴(学校不接受行业合作伙伴的限价). Limitations imposed by the sponsoring agency to established F&费率必须是其公布政策的一部分,并在提交提案之前以书面形式提供 (见FSH 5100 J-1).

如果没有正式的保荐人政策, only the Vice President for 研究 and Economic Development (VPRED), 或者他们的委托, may grant a waiver for a reduction in the F&收费标准. 关于F的信息&A costs and links to other useful sites including current F&A速率可以在 间接(F&A)费用常见问题、apm 45.10, FSH 5100.

E-5. 成本分摊. When the University bears a portion of the cost of a sponsored project, it is considered cost sharing or matching. These costs must be included in the budget development process. 费用分摊可以是强制性的(由保荐人要求)或自愿的(如果没有这样的要求). 因为成本分摊是程序化的, 行政, and financial consequences for the University, it is typically not allowed unless required by the sponsor. 在特殊情况下,可以从VPRED或指定人员处获得豁免. 参见APM 45.查阅更多资料.

E-6. Vandals Electronic 研究 Administration System (维拉). 所有建议 must be reviewed and 批准 at a minimum by the PI’s unit administrator, 学院院长, and OSP prior to submission to the agency. The University’s electronic routing system for approvals, 维拉, 允许PI提供所有必要的文件,供大学相关人员审查. The 维拉 login link can be found on the OSP主页. An OSP Sponsored Programs Administrator (SPA) can assist with general questions, or FAQs and a link to training can be found on the OSP的网站. 所有提案必须在提交截止日期前至少四个完整工作日以最终形式出现在eRA系统和任何机构提交门户(如适用)中. 看到 OSP的网站 有关详细信息,.

E-7. 建议提交. 如果提案是邮寄的, 电子邮件, 或以不需要授权组织代表安全登录的方式传输给机构, 它被视为硬拷贝提交,在获得所有必要的批准后,提案提交是PI的责任.

For proposals submitted through an external electronic system, such as 研究.gov、eRA Commons、NASA NSPIRES等., the PI is responsible for uploading proposal materials for OSP review. The PI is also responsible for completing and uploading any attachments to Grants.. gov文件在维拉. 上传完所有文件后, 维拉中的信息是完整的, and all internal approvals have been received, the PI works with a SPA for final submission to the sponsor. OSP负责最终提交需要授权组织代表登录的提案.

F. 联系信息. 有关准备和向外部资助机构提交提案的信息和帮助,请联系赞助项目办公室,电话:208-885-6651, or, or


2023年1月修订. 修订以更新程序. 增加E部分.1.b. regarding required notification if funding opportunity declined.

2012年1月修订. Revised to follow current policies and procedures.



布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心


