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Vanessa Anthony-Stevens, Ph值.D.



ED 205




College of Education; Department of Curriculum & Instruction

  • Ph.D.亚利桑那大学,图森,亚利桑那州
  • M.A.亚利桑那大学,图森,亚利桑那州
  • B.A.马奎特大学,密尔沃基,威斯康星州

凡妮莎Anthony-Stevens holds a PhD in Language, Reading and Culture from the University of Arizona. She is an 社会与文化研究副教授 in the 课程与教学学系 at the bet365亚洲官网. She the 首席研究员 土著知识促进有效教育计划 (IKEEP), a program to prepare and nurture Indigenous educators to lead in K-12 schools and tribal education. She served as the founding director of IKEEP from 2016-2021. Vanessa’s research is grounded in Critical Indigenous Research Methodologies (CIRM) and collaborative, 行动导向的人种学方法. 她探索身份的交叉点, language, place, and coloniality in contexts of K-12 and higher education. She specializes in Indigenous educational sovereignty and tribal nation building in the Americas. 凡妮莎的工作得到了美国农业部的资助.S. 教育部, the Spencer Foundation, and the National Science Foundation. She has published in journals such as the 美国印第安人教育杂志, 科学教育的文化研究, 农村教育工作者, 以及《bet365亚洲官网》. 她被授予博士学位. Arthur Maxwell Taylor Excellence in Diversity Award for faculty in 2022.

在加入bet365亚洲官网之前, Anthony-Stevens worked in youth education as an Americorps volunteer (Jacksonville, Florida, 和巴尔的摩, Maryland, 1999-2001)和和平队志愿者(巴拉圭), 2002-04). She worked alongside Indigenous communities and schools in Arizona teaching upper elementary and middle school grades (2004-10). 在亚利桑那大学的时候, she served as coordinator and co-Principal investigator of a professional development program for Indigenous elementary educators from diverse regions of Mexico (2010-14).

她嫁给了博士. Philip J. Stevens and is the mother to two daughters who are proud members of the San Carlos Apache Tribe. Her family participates in many practices central to Apache culture. 她是一个狂热的体育迷,喜欢许多团队运动. She has been a member of intramural and collegiate sports teams at the University of Arizona and Marquette University. 她精通英语和西班牙语, 有中等水平的瓜拉尼语吗, 和西部阿帕奇的应急能力.

  • 首席研究员(与副研究员. Bisbee). 土著知识促进有效教育计划 (IKEEP). 由美国资助.S. 教育部. 2018-2023. 获奖通知#S299B180040. $998,704.
  • 联席首席研究员(与PI R. Pilgeram, co- R. Meeuf和co-PI P. Stevens). 跨文化数字故事讲述. 教师暑期补助金, 文学学院, Arts and Social Sciences and College of Education Collaborative Grant Projects. 2017. $5,000
  • 首席研究员(与副研究员. Bisbee). 土著知识促进有效教育计划 (IKEEP). 由美国资助.S. 教育部. 2016-2020. 获奖通知#S299B160015. $1,206,049.
  • Education Consultant, Coeur d’ Alene Tribal 教育部, Plummer, ID. 2016年至今.
  • Education Consultant, Office of Indian Education, Idaho State Board of Education, 2016年至今.

  • 教师的. 2019-2020. 理解教育中的部落主权. 思考开放式联谊. bet365亚洲官网 Library, Open Education Resources. Moscow, ID. 2019-2020. $1,750.
  • 联席首席研究员(与PI P. 史蒂文斯和副pi D. Hedden-Nicely). 高等教育与部落国家建设. 由斯宾塞基金会资助. 2019-2020. 获奖通知#202000024. $75,153.
  • Faculty sponsor for undergraduate research dissemination. Office of Undergraduate Research Student Travel Awards, 2017 and 2018. $2,000.
  • 首席研究员. Developing intercultural competencies among pre-service teachers through meaningful collaborations with difference and diversity. 教育学院教职员资助奖. bet365亚洲官网. 2015-2016. $8,000.
  • 联席首席研究员(与PI S. 卡萨诺瓦和副pi B. O’Connor). Ecologies of cultural and linguistic adaptation for Indigenous Latina/o im/migrant families with children: Implications for development and learning. Arizona State University, School of Transborder Studies. 2014-2016. $7,500.
  • 首席研究员. Impact Assessment of Critical Professional Development for Indigenous K-8 Educators. University of Arizona Office of the Senior Vice President for Research. 2014-2015. $9,267.

  • Mahfouz, J., & Anthony-Stevens V. (2020). 何必自找麻烦呢?? SEL中对文化关联的需求, Bank Street College of Education Occasional Papers Series, 43(6).
  • Anthony-Stevens V., & Matsaw, S. (2020). The possibilities of Indigenous and decolonizing methodologies in the preparation of interdisciplinary science researchers. 科学教育的文化研究, 15, 595-611. doi:10.1007/s11422-019-09942-x
  • Anthony-Stevens V. & Langford, S. (2020). “你需要这样的课程做什么??!”: Conceptualizing diverse ruralities in rural teacher education. 教师教育杂志, 71(3), 332-344.
  • Chew, K., Anthony-Stevens V.A .勒克莱尔-迪亚兹.尼古拉斯,S.索博塔,A., & Stevens, P. (2019). Enacting Hope through Narratives of Indigenous Language and Culture Reclamation. Transmotion (Special issue “Native American Narratives in a Global Context”), 5(1).
  • Anthony-Stevens V., & Griño, P. (2018). Transborder Indigenous Education: Survivance and Border Thinking in the Professional Development and Practice of Maestros Indígenas. 墨西哥裔美国教育工作者协会杂志, (Invited Special Issue “Linguistic Hegemony and Counterhegemonic Discourse in the Borderlands”), 12(2), 92-120.
  • Chew, K. A. B. & Anthony-Stevens V. (2017). 来自土著教育希望之地的教学. 人类学的新闻, 58: e265–e269. doi:10.1111/AN.383
  • Anthony-Stevens V. (2017). Cultivating alliances: Reflections on the role of non-Indigenous collaborators in Indigenous educational sovereignty. 美国印第安人教育杂志, 56(1), 81-104.
  • Anthony-Stevens V. (2017). Indigenous parents navigating school choice in constrained landscapes. 侨民,土著 & Minority Education: Studies of Migration, Integration, Equity and Cultural Survival, 11(2), 92-105.
  • Anthony-Stevens V. (2017). When high-stakes accountability measures impact promising practices: An Indigenous-serving Charter School. In G. Q. Conchas, M. Gottfried, B. M. Hinga & L. Oseguera (Eds), Policy goes to school: Case studies on the possibilities and limitations of educational innovations (pp. 69-82). 纽约,纽约:劳特利奇.
  • Anthony-Stevens V. & Stevens, P. (2017). “A place for you to be who you are”: An ethnographic account of reterritorializing Indigenous identities. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education (Special Issue: Rural Education: Social and Cultural Perspectives), 38(3), 328-341.
  • Anthony-Stevens V.斯蒂文斯,P. & Nicholas, S. (2017). Raiding and alliances: Indigenous educational sovereignty as social justice. 批判性思维与实践杂志, 1(6).
  • Casanova, S.,奥康纳,B, & Anthony-Stevens V. (2016). Ecologies of adaptation for Mexican Indigenous im/migrant children and families in the U.S.对拉丁裔研究的影响. 拉丁美洲研究, 14(2), 192-213.
  • McEvoy, T., Anthony-Stevens V., & Pérez, V. (2016). 成为跨文化教育者. NABE 研究与实践杂志, 7(1).






